Rachael Ray’s Eggplant Parmesan Stacks

Rachael Ray makes eggplant parmesan stacks.

Miss Ray does it again! Her twist on eggplant parmesan stacks up well against the classic version.

For Meatless Monday, indulge in this lightly-breaded yet still healthy eggplant parmesan recipe.

When you’re trying to eat light, eggplant parmesan probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But Rachael Ray is here to show us a delicious and simple alternative to the sauce-laden carb-overload that we are used to.

Rachael Ray’s Eggplant Parmesan Stacks are a healthy twist on an old comfort food classic. By making each component of the dish, Rachael is able to control the ingredients and seasonings to keep things on the skinny side.

And even though Rachael breads and fries the eggplant, she does so lightly and in a pan. When compared to deep frying, this method saves a load of calories and grease.

Rachael also adds some dark leafy greens to the stack in the form of sautéed chard. Not only is chard full of vitamins and minerals, but it also adds a nice fibrous crunch to your meal. Once you’ve got the chard sautéed, you’re ready to get stackin’.

Start with a bottom layer of eggplant and top that with the chard. Then add a slice of mozzarella (low-fat if you prefer) and a spoonful of tomato sauce. Finally, put another slice of eggplant to top off the stack. Last, put the prepared stacks in the oven just long enough to melt the mozzarella.

Once that’s done, you’re ready to serve. You can add a simple mixed green salad on the side, or a light quinoa dish. The best part of this healthy recipe? It’s 100% vegetarian!

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