Salami Slam

Recipe Description

This is something we use on a very regular basis when friends just pop in... and it has been a success every time


  • Chicken Salami - about 3-4 pieces per person
  • a small lettuce head - leaves all picked out
  • peanuts- crushed into a rough chunky state
  • apple cider or vinegar
  • honey
  • mustard


  1. Take the 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar/apple cider and add honey and mustard (to taste)
  2. once thats nicely mixed add the crushed peanuts and spoon the mixture together
  3. Take a lettuce leaf, place a salami piece,spoon a little peanut mixture over the salami piece
  4. fold the lettuce and the salami piece in half- in a way that the lettuce piece effectively blocks out both the sides so the mixture doesn't drip out.
  5. Use a toothpick to hold the salami in place and serve with gherkins/pickles.
This article uses material from the "Salami Slam" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License