Smoked Fish with Gombo

Recipe Description

Smoked cooked with boiled gombo. Traditionally served with corn semolina.


  • 2 kg smoked * 500 g gombo, minced
  • 500 g onions, finely chopped
  • 150 g fresh tomatoes, crushed
  • 20 g njangsa|djansang
  • 1 hot chile pepper|chilli pepper, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 10 g rock salt
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Put the in a a bowl of 1 litre salted water.
  2. Drain thoroughly and set aside the drained water.
  3. Trim the of any thin edges.
  4. In a casserole, toss the djansang, the chile pepper|chilli, onions, garlic and crushed tomatoes with ¾ of the drained water.
  5. Add the and bring to the boil for 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Add the djansang and rock salt.
  7. Simmer for 20 minutes until the sauce is dense and smooth.
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