The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever

Recipe Description

This may be obvious to everyone else, but I've just discovered how to make lovely "fruit butter."


  • 1 lbs dried fruit (i.e. apricots)
  • 1 each water to cover


  1. Get a pound of dried fruit (I used apricots).
  2. Put in a heavy saucepan with enough water to cover.
  3. Simmer for two hours.
  4. If there is a lot of liquid left, but the fruit is plump and tender and breaking up, turn up the heat and evaporate the water away until there"s just a tad, like maybe ½ cup.
  5. Pour this into a blender and puree for about a minute.
  6. Comes out just a bit stiffer than baby food.
  7. Really really rich and tasty, sweet and tart.
  8. Perfect for my cream of wheat in the morning and toast.
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