Fridge-cleaner Vegetable Stock

Recipe Description

Maybe some might think I don't take vegetable stock seriously, but I do. I don't, however, feel it needs any sort of exact science.


  • bay leaf|bay leaves
  • pepper|black peppercorns
  • potatoes
  • celery
  • carrot
  • onions
  • parsley
  • garlic (I love garlic, but you may not, so this — as all other ingredients — is optional)
  • any other bit or cast-off part of vegetables|vegetable you happen to have around
  • any old fresh herbs you have lying around that are not sightly enough to use — even dried is not a crime if you don't have any fresh
  • salt to taste (I use none, and then salt the stock as I need/use it)


  1. Coarsely chop your vegetables (don't get carried away)
  2. Grab the largest pot you have
  3. Throw in all your ingredients
  4. Fill with water
  5. Bring to a boil, then simmer for several hours (you can't really simmer this too long)
  6. Allow to cool once you are tired of watching it simmer
  7. Strain using a cheesecloth or dish towel in a colander (you may have to do this in batches depending how huge your pot is — mine is insanely large)
  8. Freeze in usable portions — I like to mix it up into 1-cup portions, "stock cubes" in an ice-cube tray and "soup-sized" portions
This article uses material from the "Fridge-cleaner Vegetable Stock" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License