Baked Winter Squash I


  • Pumpkin|Winter squash
  • apples
  • cranberry|cranberries
  • water


  1. Cut open squash (cut in half or into chunks), scoop out seeds.
  2. Lay cut-side down in a baking pan. Peel and core 1 or 2 apples; slice, and scatter the apple slices in with the squash.
  3. Scatter a handful or two of cranberry|cranberries around with the squash and apples.
  4. If you like your squash a bit moist, add a tablespoon or two of water to the bottom of the pan (I don't do this; my husband does).
  5. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake at 400 °F for 1 hour, or until a fork stuck into the hard outside shell meets with no resistance.
  6. Scoop the squash out of the rind, scoop up a bit of the apple and cranberry|cranberries on the side, and enjoy!
This article uses material from the "Baked Winter Squash I" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License