Cheese Stuffed Peppers


  • 3 small green bell pepper|green peppers,
  • 125 gr. of feta Cheese,
  • frying oil,
  • 1 tomato (cut 3 disks or squares from the hard part of the tomato)


  1. Cut a hole on top of each pepper, taking all seeds out and wash.
  2. Cut the Cheese into 3 pieces or adjust depending on the number of pepper, fill each pepper with the Cheese and close the hole with a tomato square (see above).
  3. Then fry each side of the peppers in a pan or you can use a deep-fat fryer.
  4. Leave to cool, then peel the skin and serve.
This article uses material from the "Cheese Stuffed Peppers" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License