Easy Spanish Flan

Recipe Description

* Recipe For Spanish Flan, Creme Caramel, copyright 2000 Euroresidentes. Ityis Siglo Xxi, Spain


  • 1 egg
  • 1 small glass of milk
  • 1 dessert spoon of caramel or 1 dessert spoon of sugar + 1 dessert spoon of water
  • 2 dessert spoon of granulated sugar|sugar


  1. Put caramel into the bottom of a metal flan mold. If premade caramel is not available, mix 1 spoonful of sugar and 1 spoonful of water in the bottom of a metal flan mold. Stir over high heat until they turn brown.
  2. Beat the egg with 2 spoonfuls of sugar
  3. Add milk and beat well
  4. Pour the mixture into the flan mold on top of the caramel
  5. Place the mold in a pan of simmering water. Make sure water is shallower than mold so none gets into the flan.
  6. Cook until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean
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