
Recipe Description

Lamb pluck soup
* Cooking Time: about 45 minutes


  • 2 lbs worth of lamb pluck (liver, lungs and other organs together)
  • 1 lb green onions
  • 1 bunch anise
  • ¾ cup rice
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • lemon juice
  • 3 eggs
  • salt and pepper


  1. Boil the pluck.
  2. Add a dash of salt and let pluck boil for a while.
  3. Take out and conserve the broth.
  4. Cut the pluck into small pieces.
  5. Put the broth in a large pot, after passing it through a strainer.
  6. Cut the onions and the anise into small pieces, and add them in the broth.
  7. Also add the pluck and the butter.
  8. Lower the fire and let them boil.
  9. When they are almost done, add the rice.
  10. Prepare in the meantime the egg and lemon sauce.
  11. Beat the eggs very well.
  12. Very slowly, add the lemon juice.
  13. Take some of the soup and slowly add it to the sauce.
  14. Do the same thing several times, beating always the sauce, add the sauce to the pot, stirring the soup slowly.
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