Eggjamjólk - Egg soup

Recipe Description

Similar to egg-nog, but without the alcohol. The original recipe includes Raisins/or prunes, which I prefer to leave out.


  • 1250 g milk
  • 2 tblsp
  • 1-2 ea eggs
  • 1-2 tblsp.
  • to taste vanilla flavouring


Break the egg(s) into a bowl or soup tureen and whip with the Granulated sugar|Sugar until light and frothy. Mix together the flour and 200 ml cold milk. Bring the rest of the milk to the boil. When the milk boils, remove from the heat and pour slowly into the egg/Granulated sugar|Sugar mixture, stirring constantly. Add vanilla flavouring to taste. Sprinkle Granulated sugar|Sugar on top to prevent a skin from forming. Serve immediately.
Variations:-Original recipe: Soak 2 tblsp Raisins or 10 prunes in a little hot water for 5 minutes. When the milk is hot, but not boiling, add the Raisins (pour off the water first). When the milk boils, add the flour/milk mixture and cook on low for 10 minutes. Finish the recipe as above. This is the original recipe, but since I don't like cooked Raisins, I leave them out.-To be used with either of the above variations: Use two eggs. Separate the yolks and whites. Mix the yolks with Granulated sugar|Sugar, and whip the whites until stiff. When the soup is ready, float spoonfuls of egg whites on top of it. If you have ovenproof soup dishes, put the soup in a hot oven with top heat and remove when the egg whites begin to turn yellow. -Use twice as much flour to make a pudding. Serve warm with milk/cream and Granulated sugar|Sugar.
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