Grilled South Seas Snapper


  • a whole Snapper about 300g
  • a lemon,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 2 shallots,
  • thyme and salt.
  • 50g sliced Onion,
  • 5g sliced garlic,
  • 50g diced tomato,
  • 10g chopped parsley and chives,
  • 10cl oil, 1 spoonful hot water,
  • salt, pepper, and chile pepper|chili pepper.
  • 150g chayote|christophine,
  • (local potato-like vegetable) au gratin,
  • 80g fried banana,
  • 80g mashed giromon (Calabaza squash|West Indian pumpkin),
  • 60g of rice with curry.


  1. Take a whole Snapper about 300g scaled, gutted and trimmed, left to marinate for one hour with a lemon, 1 clove of garlic, 2 shallots, thyme and salt.
  2. Grill the Snapper and serve accompanied with : “Dog sauce”: 50g sliced Onion, 5g sliced garlic, 50g diced tomato, 10g chopped parsley and chives, 10cl oil, 1 spoonful hot water, salt, pepper, and chile pepper|chili pepper.
  3. And add a choice of vegetables : 150g chayote|christophine, (local potato-like vegetable) au gratin, 80g fried banana, 80g mashed giromon (Calabaza squash|West Indian pumpkin), 60g of rice with curry.
This article uses material from the "Grilled South Seas Snapper" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License