

  • 2 - 3 tbsp of oil
  • 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper or red pepper (more or less to taste)
  • 2 - 3 lbs of greens (collards, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard, or similar); stems removed, cleaned, torn or shredded, drained
  • 1 cup water
  • salt to taste


  1. Heat the oil in a large skillet or pot.
  2. Sauté the onions and garlic for a few minutes.
  3. Add cayenne pepper and stir for a minute.
  4. Reduce heat.
  5. Add greens to pot.
  6. Cook over medium heat for several minutes.
  7. Stir greens often, but otherwise keep the pot covered.
  8. Add water, cover and cook over low heat until greens are tender, for 20-30 minutes or longer.
  9. Add salt if necessary.
  10. Serve hot.
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