Kale Pita Sandwich


  • kale (amount varies depending on number of servings)
  • bean sprouts
  • * low sodium teriyaki Sauce|teriyaki sauce
  • whole wheat vegan pita bread
  • garlic


  1. Tear kale into bite sized leaves, put in frying pan.
  2. Add bean sprouts and low-sodium teriyaki sauce. (If you prefer, you may use olive oil or your favorite sauce instead—anything works). Briefly stir-fry the kale, sprouts, and sauce.
  3. On a plate, cut whole-wheat pita in half to leave you with 2 sandwiches.
  4. Slice in half. I prefer green olives, but any will do.
  5. Layer the mixture from the frying pan with the inside the pita until the vegan bread is filled.
This article uses material from the "Kale Pita Sandwich" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License