Masfouf de tunis (tunisian sweet snack)

Recipe Description

Masfouf de tunis (tunisian sweet snack)
Yield: 6 Servings


  • 1 lb semolina
  • 1 c water; hot
  • 8 tablespoon butter; melted
  • 4 tablespool Raisins
  • 4 tablespoon blanched almonds;halve/toast
  • 3 tablespoon pine nuts
  • ½ cup Granulated sugar|Sugar
  • ½ lb Seedless grapes


  1. Mix the semolina and hot water in a bowl. Put it into the top (kesskess) of a couscousier or a Chinese-style steamer and steam, covered, over hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the semolina to a bowl and stir in 4 tablespoons of the butter. Mix and toss to separate the grains. Return the semolina to the steamer and steam, covered, for 20 minutes. The semolina will expand and will be cooked through.
  3. Soak the Raisins in hot water for 5 minutes and drain. Remove the semolina the second time, stir in the balance of the butter, 4 tablespoons, and turn the semolina out on a serving dish. Add the Raisins, almonds, pine nuts and mix and toss together. Set aside a few Raisins and nuts to decorate the top of the Masfouf. Sprinkle the Masfouf with the Granulated sugar|Sugar and decorate with the Raisins and nuts. Serve at room temperature.
  4. Serves 6 or more.
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