Miso Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms and Tofu

Recipe Description

Very simple to make, and really flavoursome, ideal winter breakfast or all-purpose soup. Based on a recipe from my asian cookbook, but that was too salty, so I changed it.


  • ½ pint water (with or without a small amount of vegetable stock)
  • 2 shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 scallion
  • 1 tablespoon miso (I use barely any miso)
  • 1 ounce firm tofu, diced or cut into strips


  1. Slice shiitake mushrooms.
  2. Slice up green part of scallion, to garnish later.
  3. Bring water (with stcok if desired) to boil.
  4. Stir in miso paste and mushrooms.
  5. Lower heat, simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour into serving dish, sprinkle scallion on.
  7. Serve immediately.
This article uses material from the "Miso Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms and Tofu" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License