Mud Pie


  • 1 lb. package Oreos
  • 11 tbsp. butter (whoever said this was healthy ha!)
  • 2 pt. Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream (softened)
  • 10 oz. semi chocolate|sweet chocolate
  • whipped cream


  1. Crush cookies.
  2. Melt 1/4 pound butter and mix into crumbs.
  3. Press into two 9 inch pie plates.
  4. Pour ice cream into pie shells; freeze and cover.
  5. Take out 30 to 40 minutes before serving.
  6. Pipe on whipped cream.
  7. Melt the chocolate and pour and dribble chocolate over center section of frozen ice cream.
This article uses material from the "Mud Pie" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License