Native American Fry Bread


  • 5 lb flour
  • 6 cup lukewarm water
  • 2 pkt or 2 tablespoons powdered yeast
  • 1/2 cup Granulated sugar|Sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk (liquid or powdered)
  • 1 cup oil


* Add water to a large bowl.
* Add yeast to water; stir until dissolved.
* Add Granulated sugar|Sugar, salt, milk and oil.
* Stir until dissolved.
* Add flour, 2 - 3 cups at a time and mix.
* Keep adding flour until it is all in.
* It gets thick.
* Knead to finish the mixing.
* Knead until it stays together;
* not shiny or hard, but it will stick to the fingers.
* Cover with waxed paper and tuck it in around the ball.
* Cover entire bowl with a towel and let rise 30 minutes.
* Remove wax paper.
* oil hands, sprinkle the top of the ball with a little flour and re-knead.
* Knead until it is no longer sticking to hands or bowl.
* Heat 48 ounces of oil to 365 F.
* Test oil - make a golf ball-sized ball, put in oil.
* If the ball rises to the surface of the oil quickly, it is ready.
* Take another piece of dough, about the size of a tennis ball and pull it out thin.
* Put a hole in the middle to keep it from bubbling up with air.
* Brown each side for 1 minute, until evenly brown.
* Shake of excess oil.
This article uses material from the "Native American Fry Bread" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License