Navajo Peach Pudding


  • 1/2 cup Honey
  • 1 lb Fresh peaches, pitted and peeled
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 pkt gelatin|unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup light whipping cream|whipping cream


  1. In a food processor, puree the honey and peaches together.
  2. In a small saucepan, mix together the water and gelatin and let stand 1 minute.
  3. Over medium-low heat, stir mixture until the gelatin has completely dissolved, about 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, slowly add the gelatin mixture to the peach honey and blend thoroughly.
  5. Allow to cool to room temperature, about 5 minutes.
  6. While the peach mixture is cooling, beat the cream until firm peaks form, about 2 minutes.
  7. Fold the whipped cream into the peach pudding mixture in a circular motion, leaving swirls of white cream in the peach pudding.
  8. Do not mix together completely.
  9. Place the pudding in the refrigerator ande chill until firm.
This article uses material from the "Navajo Peach Pudding" article on the Recipes wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License