Aida Mollenkamp’s Mustard and Curry Roast Lamb

Aida Mollenkamp mixes traditional with exotic flavors with her mustard and curry roast lamb.

Aida Mollenkamp shows you how to make mustard and curry roast lamb, a delicious alternative to your Sunday night pot roast.

Granted, many of you won’t have curry powder on hand, and you may have to search a little bit in order to find a double lamb loin roast, but we promise, once you cut in to this delicious dish, you’ll know exactly why it’s worth the search.

Chances are there are some of you out there who see the word “curry” and automatically think that the dish may be too exotic or too spicy. However, since Aida incorporates the curry powder into the breadcrumb crust, the flavor is more of an afterthought than a feature. By using the hot mustard to help the breadcrumbs adhere to the lamb loin, Aida pairs each flavor so that neither dominates.

Naturally, with a delicious piece of lamb, you don’t want to over-season, and by using most of the spice elements to form the crust, which is also tempered with fresh mint, you assure a nice well-balanced flavor that incorporates the exotic flavor of the curry with the traditional mint garnish.

If you can’t find curry powder or the proper lamb cut at your local markets, try a butcher’s shop for the lamb, and you can always order spices online, you just have to plan ahead of time so that you have them on hand when you are ready to cook!

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