Tyler Florence’s Caprese Salad

Tyler Florence puts a slightly different spin on this classic Italian salad.

This caprese salad will be ready in minutes, but will have people talking about it for hours afterwards.

As long as you can slice up mozzarella and tomatoes, you can make this fresh and delicious salad. Even the most novice of chefs should be able to handle this recipe with ease!

Sometimes the beauty of a recipe is its simplicity. That has always been the case with caprese, no matter what recipe you reference, at its heart a true caprese salad is tomato, mozzarella, basil, and some olive oil. When you have a dish that is this straightforward, the most important thing you can do is splurge a little and make sure you have quality ingredients. Don’t skimp on your mozzarella and buy fresh tomatoes, it won’t go unnoticed.

While for all intents and purposes, this is very much a traditional take on a caprese salad, the one slight change that Tyler makes is that he cuts the ingredients up a little smaller and tosses them together. Traditionally, a caprese has the tomatoes and the cheese cut into slices, but by preparing everything in smaller pieces also allows the inclusion of cherry tomatoes to add a hint more flavor complexity.

The fresh, light caprese salad will go perfectly with anything you might grill this upcoming Labor Day weekend, but is also classic enough to be served year-round.

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